Flame Retardants & Smoke Suppressant

Flame Retardants & Smoke Suppressant

20 Microns offers Halogen Free Flame Retardants & Smoke Suppressants under brands “AL-FR” and “Mag FR”.
Aluminum trihydrate (ATH), also known as aluminum oxide trihydrate, is the most economical and widely used flame retardant and smoke suppressant in the plastics industry. 

AL FR works on the basis of Heat Sinking and Endothermic Dehydration characteristics that enable Alumina Tri Hydrate to retard the burning of polymers.

Mag FR is Magnesium Hydroxide that absorbs Heat by Releasing Water and thereby protecting polymeric product from a rapid thermal decomposition by developing a Heat Resistant layer on surface of the plastic.

ATH must be added at high loads which can affect the mechanical and electrical properties of the polymer. Aluminum trihydroxide is used in acrylic rubber and molds, thermosetting resins, thermoplastic cable sheaths, PVC flooring, etc.

We cater ATH to numerous application like Paints and Coating, Rubber, Plastics, Adhesives, Composites and Brake Lining.

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